
Provides sentiment analysis. Pass innerText to the sentimentPredict function and it returns a score which will evaluate to positive or negative sentiment based on value above or below 50.

Typical usage

//Generated Script id=0
var delayKey = 1000;
var sentimentkey = 'none';
var  sentiment = ml5.sentiment('movieReviews', modelReady);
    function modelReady() {

        var element = document.querySelector('div > div:nth-of-type(3)');
        // model is ready
        var prediction = sentiment.predict(element.innerText);              
        var output = parseFloat(prediction.score) > 0.5 ? 'positive' : 'negative';
        console.log(prediction.score + ' ' + output);
        sentimentkey = prediction.score + ' ' + output;            

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