Git Hub

In order to enable live mode, you must have Git Hub integrated into your agent account management dashboard.

Follow this guide to get a GitHub Token for Cheat Layer.

  1. Click on your profile picture and select Settings

  1. Click on Developer Settings

  1. Click "Personal Access Tokens" and then "Tokens (Classic)"

  1. Click on "Generate New Token" then "Generate new token (classic)"

  1. Give a name to your token and set "Expiration" to "No expiration"

  1. Select the scopes "repo" and "write: packages"

  1. "Generate token" then copy the token.

  1. Navigate to your agents dashboard and go to "Agent Settings"

  1. Click on "Add GitHub Token" then past your GitHub Token. Press "OK" and you will see a green checkmark letting you know you put it in successfully.

Last updated